WE, ___________________ and _________________, both of legal age, Filipino citizens, married and residents of _______________________________, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state THAT:
1. We personally know the person of EARL PADUA ROXAS who was born on April 30, 1994 in Panabo, Davao del Norte, he being the legitimate son of our close friend and neighbor, the Spouses Rafael Roxas and Cher Padua (both deceased);
2. In the Certificate of Live Birth of EARL PADUA ROXAS filed in the National Statistic Office his surname and the surname of his father were erroneously entered and spelled as “ ROJAS” while his middle name and of his mother were also erroneously entered as “LADUA”;
3. The true and correct spelling of the middle name and surname of EARL PADUA ROXAS is “PADUA” and "ROXAS", respectively;
4. The names “ EARL PADUA ROXAS ” and “EARL LADUA ROJAS" refer to one and the same person; 5. We are executing this affidavit to attest to the foregoing facts.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this ___________________ in _______________ , Philippines .