Find out about training, adventure and travel opportunities available, for full time (Regular) and part time (Reserve) soldiers and officers.
When you join the Army, you'll need to know about the the values and standards we expect. You can also find out how we will respect you, whatever your faith, sexual orientation or gender.
Get prepared to join the Army and learn about what you need to join, what you could become in the Army and what happens once you apply.
Lead an expedition, develop your skills or try something new. Adventurous Training in the Army will help you be the best you can be.
There are lots of different roles in the Army. Explore the roles, and find out where you could fit in to the Army.
A sense of belonging may sound like a small thing. Yet it fuels you as much as food and water, because it doesn't just feed your body, it feeds your mind and soul. Sure, you could look for belonging in a football team or club, but the sense of belonging you'll find in the Army - well, that's the next level. When you've trained together side by side, learnt things no classroom can teach you and fought with each other, for each other - that creates a bond like no other. A bond that lasts a lifetime.