Dual Credit

Dual credit classes are courses offered to high school students through an official agreement between Dallas College and MISD. These specific, pre-approved courses meet both district and college guidelines in order to provide credit both in high school and college. No grade points are awarded for courses not taught on the high school campus during the regular school day and specific procedures must be followed.

Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment

Dual Credit Courses with Dallas College

This list of courses applies to the designated school years only, and it may change according to written agreement between MISD and Dallas College. No grade points are awarded for dual credit courses taken outside the regular school day or during summer at the college campus. The tuition-free courses are only available to students who complete all Dallas College registration and enrollment procedures including testing. If a student must repeat a course to earn credit, there may be a tuition charge. Textbook costs must be paid by the student if the course is taken on the college campus.

To obtain one high school credit for a year-long high school course, both college semester courses must be taken and passed each semester. The student must provide official documentation from the college campus to the high school registrar each semester verifying the grade earned. High school credit may then be awarded and placed on the student’s high school transcript. To remain in the dual credit program and to earn high school credit for a course, a student must earn a college grade no lower than a “C” in the course. There are several courses that are available for dual credit and may be taken on the high school campus during the school day. Contact your dual credit counselor for a list of what is available on your campus.

**A student may earn a performance acknowledgement by successfully completing 12 hours of college academic courses with a grade of a “B” or higher. Courses listed as dual credit may not be available at the Eastfield campus each semester, but they may be taken at another Dallas College campus. In these situations, the high school student must go through the Dual Credit Coordinator at the campus where the course is offered to complete enrollment. For enrollment applications, contact the Career and Technical Education counselor at each high school during the school year. During the summer, contact the Dual Credit Coordinator at Eastfield Campus for applications. The MISD contact is Dr. Jennifer Hammett at 972-882-7377.

Dual Credit Admission Process

  1. Visit with your high school counselor about eligibility and course selection.
  2. Complete the online Dallas College Application for Admission by going to https://www1.dcccd.edu/stuapp; click on High School Dual Credit; Begin the Dual Credit Application.
  3. Complete the Dual Credit & Concurrent Enrollment Packet:

4. Request official high school transcript with TAKS, STAAR, ACT or SAT scores. If college level assessment scores are available (ie. THEA, Accuplacer, Compass etc.) please include. Home school transcripts must be notarized.

5. A student who plans to take dual credit courses on the college campus will be required to submit a copy of his/her immunization record for proof of Bacterial Meningitis vaccination.

6. Submit complete application packet to high school counselor or Dual Credit contact at your high school.

The Early College Programs office will not process incomplete packets.
Students cannot be tested, advised, or registered until the admissions process is complete.