Text must be in 12-point Times or Times New Roman font. All text should be double-spaced except for block quotes.
Structure your paper using the following sections:
- Title page: Includes full title followed by an asterisk, name(s) and institution(s) of author(s), a complete word count, running head, and a title footnote with name and address of author(s), acknowledgments, credits, and grant information (if any).
- Abstract: Begin on a new page headed by the title. Brief, jargon-free paragraph (less than 200 words) summarizing the work, followed by three to five key words.
- Body: Begin on a new page headed by the title. Use headings and subheadings after the introduction.
- Notes: Footnotes and endnotes should be indicated in the text with superscripted numbers. The notes can be typed at the bottom of the page (footnotes) or in a separate section labeled Notes or Endnotes. Do only one or the other; not both. Begin each note with its superscript number.
- References: List alphabetically in a new section labeled References.
- Appendices: If more than one, label Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. Appendices should be labeled with a title.
Headings & Subheadings
First-level headings are all in caps and left-justified. Start using headings after the introduction.
Second-Level Head
Second-level headings are italicized, left-justified, and all words except prepositions and conjunctions are capitalized.
Third-level head.
Third-level headings are italicized, indented, end with a period, and only the first word and any proper nouns are capitalized.